Institutional partners

They support the promotion of Medi'Nov:
Institutional partners
Rhône-Alpes and Auvergne Region

True hub for innovation, the health ecosystem in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is one of the most dynamic: first vaccine, production centre in the world, presence of global bodies (International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organisation, etc.), 5th European region in public-private research (scientific research in human and animal health), etc. It is also 1,250 companies (industries and services to industry) including large world groups and innovative SMEs, around 150,000 jobs and an ecosystem open to the world (Europe, United States, Japan, etc).
With its remarkable potential of research and innovation, economic development and job creation, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region invests in the health sector, which has been identified as one of the four sectors of excellence.

Conseil régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
📍101 cours Charlemagne CS 20033, 69 269 - Lyon Cedex 2
Institutional partners
Enosis Santé Association

The Enosis Santé association was created in 2022 by 4 French healthcare clusters: BioValley France, Eurobiomed, Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Medicen Paris Region. By intensifying the synergies between them, Enosis Santé aims to increase their capacity to jointly and territorially accelerate the development of healthtech innovation, support companies and innovative health projects and thus contribute to amplifying France's leadership in health. By bringing together an ecosystem of over 1,500 innovative companies, academic and clinical players and investors, Enosis Santé is contributing to the success of the healthcare sector and the Health Innovation 2030 plan.

Enosis Santé
📍7 rue François Moisson, 13 002 Marseille - France
Institutional partners
Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has been a competitive cluster since its creation in 2005, and is the catalyst for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes health innovation ecosystem, connecting, developing and promoting it. As an expert in the healthcare market, the cluster supports biotech, medtech and digital health-tech projects and companies, and aims to strengthen the development of technological innovations, products and services to meet the sector's challenges. It builds bridges and implements initiatives with the region's hospitals and clinics. Today, Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes brings together, advises and supports 256 members - companies, academics and hospitals - in their innovation, growth, internationalisation and hosting projects. Its members include 6 founders (4 major manufacturers: Sanofi, bioMérieux, Boehringer Ingelheim Santé Animale, Becton Dickinson, the CEA and Fondation Mérieux), 15 major groups, subsidiaries and ETIs, 208 innovative SMEs, 15 research and training centres, 6 healthcare and research establishments, 1 local authority and 5 associate members.

📍63 Avenue Tony Garnier, 69 007 - Lyon
Institutional partners
Medicen Paris Region

Medicen, the Île-de-France region's healthcare cluster, brings together more than 500 innovation players, including 400 start-ups and SMEs. It focuses on the Medtech, Biotech and E-health sectors, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration to develop innovative solutions. Medicen supports its members by facilitating access to funding and advising on projects. Since 2005, it has approved more than 1,450 projects, with total funding of €2.4 billion, leading to more than 95 therapeutic solutions on the market.

Medicen Paris Région
Institutional partners

Created in 2009, Eurobiomed is the health competitiveness cluster for the South of France and the Occitanie region. It brings together an ecosystem of over 400 industrial players, major groups, SMEs and start-ups, as well as research laboratories and universities, all working together to develop and market innovative products and services to generate growth and jobs in buoyant markets. Eurobiomed offers a complete range of support services, including individualised support focused on 5 areas: 1/Development strategy; 2/Preparation and support for fund-raising; 3/Business development and strategic agreements; 4/Consolidation of fundamentals and market access and 5/Growth strategy.

Institutional partners
Biovalley France
BioValley France was approved by the French government as a competitiveness cluster in 2005, and has been involved for over 20 years in promoting and supporting the development of the healthcare sector in the Grand Est region. Building on this experience, it was the first health cluster to become involved in major regional projects, notably as part of the Future Investment Programmes. With a network of more than 200 members and 50 partners, BioValley France leads and federates the health sector in the Grand Est region and actively contributes to the emergence and coordination of individual, collaborative or structuring projects.

Biovalley France
Institutional partners

With over 50 members representing the diversity of the ecosystem, Noveka is one of the health clusters based in the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region in Saint-Etienne. Entirely dedicated to networking and collaboration, the cluster contributes to the promotion of the skills and the expertise of their members in order to favor the innovation and the development of the companies in the medical sector and the e-health. Noveka has a complete network of partners covering the entire chain of value of the development of the health system: Scientific and technical expertise, field players, subcontractors and manufacturers, thematic experts, from the private and public sectors.

📍10 rue Marius Patinaud Grande Usine Créative - 42 000 Saint-Étienne
04 77 91 16 65

Partenaire Institutionnel

MEDICALPS is the healthcare technology cluster based in the French Alps. Since 2000, the cluster has led and federated a network of over 130 members, including startups, SMEs, major groups, research centers, universities and local authorities. It represents a major ecosystem in the field of healthcare innovation, bringing together members from the fields of biotechnology, medical technology and digital health. MEDICALPS focuses on accelerating the deployment of innovative healthcare technologies. This community serving healthcare entrepreneurs coordinates and federates the various stakeholders, supporting companies in their development, and structuring the sector by catalyzing local strengths.
MEDICALPS has been a French Care ambassador in the Alps since 2023.

📍5 avenue du Grand Sablon, 38700 - La Tronche
Institutional partners
PMT Santé

The mission of the PMT health cluster is to support the French medical device sector, to participate in the development of the promising biomanufacturing sector (biomedicines and advanced therapy products) and, more broadly, to lead and promote the Health Technology sector in the Burgundy-France-Comté region. With 130 active members, the majority of whom are industrialists (80% of medtech manufacturers and subcontractors and 60% of biotech companies in the region), it provides support for the development of innovative projects, helps to build skills and encourages networking between professionals in the healthcare sector.

 PMT Santé
📍18 rue Alain Savary, 25 000 Besançon - France
Institutional partners
Biotech Santé Bretagne

Biotech Santé Bretagne (BSB) is a technological innovation center serving players in the healthcare and biotechnology sectors. It provides companies and project leaders with a full range of expertise, including: regulatory framework and support, training, consulting, monitoring, project engineering, networking, financing, European support, etc. 
Biotech Santé Bretagne also helps to develop research and innovation, in line with regional strategy.

Biotech Santé Bretagne
📍2 avenue Léon Bernard - 35 043 Rennes Cedex
Institutional partners
France Biotech

France Biotech, founded in 1997, is an independent association that brings together innovation entrepreneurs in the health sector and their expert partners. As the driving force behind the healthcare innovation ecosystem and a privileged interlocutor for public authorities, France Biotech helps to meet the challenges of the HealthTech sector and to propose concrete solutions in terms of competitiveness and attractiveness.

France Biotech
📞 07 63 00 66 61
Partenaire Institutionnel

Connectwave, la référence des Objets Connectés Professionnels  Fort de ses 13 ans d’expertise dans les technologies digitales sous le nom du Centre National de Référence RFID, Connectwave est un acteur majeur dans l’accompagnement au développement de solutions IoT. Il soutient les PME, startups et grands groupes dans la mise en œuvre de solutions digitales notamment par l’organisation de journées Open Innovation et de formations IoT/RFID, l’accompagnement à la protection des données personnelles, la réalisation d'objets connectés et le développement business. Reconnu pour son expertise et sa neutralité, il fédère 140 acteurs nationaux et internationaux impliqués dans la transformation digitale. Référence des Objets Connectés Professionnels, Connectwave est impliqué dans les comités de standardisation nationaux (AFNOR) et internationaux (ISO, CEN, ETSI) ainsi que dans la solution Objet Intelligent de la Nouvelle France Industrielle. Organisme de formation agréé par les OPCA et le Datadock, nos formations sont éligibles au plan de formation et au CPF.

📍Place Paul Borde, 13790
04 42 37 09 37
Partenaire Institutionnel

ALLIS-NA (Alliance innovation Santé Nouvelle-Aquitaine) est le cluster régional d'innovation Santé au service de tous les acteurs de la filière. Il s'engage à catalyser les synergies au sein de son écosystème pour transformer les projets de ses adhérents en solutions concrètes, utiles et durables. Fédérant près de 150 adhérents – start-ups, PME, ETI, grandes entreprises, centres académiques et cliniques, collectivités locales et acteurs du développement économique – ALLIS-NA joue un rôle clef dans le renforcement de la compétitivité des entreprises de la filière, l'accélération du développement économique territorial et le développement des innovations Santé en Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Implanté au cœur d’un écosystème dynamique, ALLIS-NA favorise la coopération et les synergies entre les talents locaux pour accompagner les entreprises, structurer les filières et promouvoir les expertises régionales. Fidèle à ses valeurs – coopération, engagement, intégrité et audace – ALLIS-NA propose une offre complète de services : événements ciblés, mise en réseau, accompagnement stratégique, relais d’opportunités de financement et valorisation des savoir-faire. Avec pour mission de soutenir, d'animer et représenter l’écosystème Santé régional, ALLIS-NA s’engage à faire rayonner l’innovation en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, en France et au-delà.