In this space, you'll find all the information you need to take part in Medi'nov Connection 2024.

You will find the following information under the various sections: 

- The exhibitor logistics guide.
- The order form for additional furniture for your stand.
- The event communication kit.

ℹ Practical and logistical informations

Logistics guide

The logistics guide will help you with all your questions about attending Medi'Nov Connection 2024.

Order furniture

Furniture ordering is temporarily unavailable. 
This service will be reactivated shortly.

Show plan

Get to know the exhibitors 
exhibitors near your stand.

📣 Your communication

Download your media kit

Access the Medi'Nov Connection 2024 communication kit.
 You can download our mail banners, logos,...


You will be able to invite your customers to the event.
This feature will be available soon.

🤝 Meet the visitors

All your contacts

Access the list of your leads met during the show.
This feature will be available at the end of the event.

Titre de la colonne

Cum autem commodis intervallata temporibus convivia longa et noxia coeperint autem commodis intervallata temporibus convivia longa et noxia coeperint autem commodis intervallata temporibus convivia longa et noxia coeperint.



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